Love Poem: Ciao Bella
Ron Porter Avatar
Written by: Ron Porter

Ciao Bella

I heard the butterfly scream, and I
witnessed the dream die
And I stood naked neath the blood red sky,
And I never knew you loved me
So I couldn't love you back.

Outside the gates of Eden, Cerdes, and
These city walls. I have crawled
Through blades of steel to keep
A rendezvous with visions in the night,
where I never knew you loved me.

Mind racing like Nascar in the final turn, 
I burned bridges that I never crossed
Looking for the other side;
I would have braved the current
And, swam the raging tide
Maybe, if I'd known you loved me

I wore the pain of years
Strain of fears and stain of tears,
Like a monk's course hooded habit.
And made a practice of not knowing
when love was aimed my way.

In my castle keep; my stronghold deep.
I stroll behind the dungeon walls
And keep you out and me in.
And if I never know you love me
I'll never have to cry.