Love Poem: Circling the Flame
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Written by: Steven Getz

Circling the Flame

The fickle, flickering flame 
Danced wildly in the breeze. 
Ever so closer she came
Until its bright light warmed her knees. 
Slowly she circled the flame
Doing her dance with death.
Ever so closer she came
Until she was singed, 
By the flame’s hot breath. 
She backed away wildly beguiled
Then gave it a perplexed stare.
To be deceived by something so wild 
Was more than her soul could bear.
But the flame would not be denied.
It beckoned her back with its dancing light. 
Consumed by emotion she sighed
Then flew ‘round the bright light in the night.
Eventually she circled too close
And was burnt by the hot lusty flame.   
Now consumed by love’s overdose,
She knew that she had lost love’s game. 
As she fluttered and fell to earth dying, 
The flame started beckoning another. 
The candle of love is alluring.
But, for it, there will always be others.