Clematis Cirrosha (French Sonnet)
Great grin, glow, O glow, ‘til grizzled I grow, humming
Brightly bring bliss back before boredom burns me black
My morn muse minding merry mountains’ moulded rock
Tantalizes thoughtless thought that taunts thoughtless thing
Lulling, longing, life with you, my love lives each day
Whispering wind warmly wheeze words o’ awe, I feel
Forever, firm beauty you own, as always will
Be beauteous blossom, bed o’ boredom stays at bay
Dearest darling, don’t dare dry honeyed aroma
Tempest thorns o’ thunders though sure to us they throw
Yet, you-- yodelled youth o’ yore to death not to sow
And, Angels adore you-- Clematis Cirrosha
Let love o’ mine, for you, flow in the darkest night
Heart diamond o’ thine, how precious is your light