Co- Authors - the Nonet - Acrostic Style
Co-authors write together as team
Work in harmony as one too
They put many hours hard work
To come up with good book
They review their work
Several times
To make sure
Book is
Co-authors great writing team
On time they work together
Authors love to write stories
United they share writing
Talented team of people
Happily they write great novel
On few occasions relax
Resting after very hard work
Sampling a piece of heaven.
Dorian Petersen Potter
aka ladydp2000
~Author's Notes:
The Acrostic is a form that takes the letters in title to begin each line in poem.
This is left justified. There's no set meter to this style, rhyme is optional.
The Nonet is a poem style that begins with 9 syllables all the way to one syllable, and it can be reversible the other way around, starting with one syllable and ending with the nine syllable line.