Love Poem: Cody Road
Dietra Reid Avatar
Written by: Dietra Reid

Cody Road

Cody Road, Cody Road I miss you Cody Road.
You were the road as a child that took me to my grandma's house.
You were the path in Mobile Terrace, Mobile Alabama that I love.
We played in your rich. red clay of your pure unprocessed state,
when it rained as kids on visits.
But Cody Road, count down it was three short blocks in the terrace to
Grandma's house on third street.
You took me to the perfectly, four room, square house on
cement blocks.
A house of love, grace and life that I always belonged.
It's been a long time Cody Road.  Life's been kinda hard.
But memories of you and my grandma will forever keep
my heart warm.