Cold and Alone
One can only imagine what Linda must have thought and felt. Or, maybe we cannot really imagine because she did not have
the control of her own thoughts nor the wherewithal to alter the chemical processes that must have been tearing her soul apart.*
On the other hand, Linda documented the ending period of her life. There were some rational exercises of her mind that have given us
more than just a clue, but also a key to something we must do. An attempt at engaging my imagination might be the first act
of involvement that I am free to involve myself with. But I have this emotion within me that wants to take a different path.
I want to disengage the inqusitive side of me and turn on the activation forces within my being. Moreover, at this point I am prone toward a
compassion that forces me to engage body, mind, and soul into action. It's an activity that asks questions: "What can we do?" "How long will we shut our
doors and bury our heads in the sand and hope that mental illness will go away?" All that's within me cries out, wanting answers. I am in agreement that
indeed, "God knows where I am". But I want an answer to more questions like, "Why don't you, they, them, and I know where Linda and thousands
more are?" "Did Linda have to die cold and alone, with no one to hold her, and without a mind of her own?" "What can I do?" I tell you, at this point I do
not know the answers to such questions. But I know that these few paragraphs are a start. It is at least one way for me to start my part.
05302017PSContest, God Knows Where I Am, Craig Cornish
*Mental illness