Love Poem: Colors of Love
Written by: VALSA JOSEPH

Colors of Love

What has happened to me of late? The sound of falling footsteps behind, Sends all my senses on a strike, Leaving me with thunderous pounding of the heart. My mind then buzzes with thoughts and I go dizzy. Why this happens to me every now and then? Is this what you call love? Why I nurse the aura of a beautiful dream? Why I see the Earth wearing new colors? Why I feel the wind whispering to me a new tale? Why do I feel this moment intoxicating? A strong current course through my arteries. Never have I felt like this before Is this what you call love? Lately I run to the mirror more often. Am I becoming another Narcissus, Getting drowned in my own image? Why do I become so choosy in my dress? Why do I look around to see, If anyone has seen me smiling to myself? I wonder what has happened to me these days Is this what you call love? Why do I see stars on a bare ebony sky? Why I feel the night air indolently fragrant? Why sleep eludes me at the wee hours of the night, Making me sit delirious by the window Hoping to catch the glimpse of a shadow Why this happens night after night? Is this what you call love? Why my mind wanders like an unattended kite? I grow excited, I grow restless. I grow impatient with time. Sometimes anxiety grips me. I sink and rise in the ocean of my moods. There is a visible change in me. Is this what you call love? I close my eyes tight and let my heart open, Feeling the colors of love that paint me a chameleon. In me rises a rare vivaciousness, Igniting a new spark in my body and spirit and I awake, To find myself greeting each morn with a song!