Love Poem: Colours of love
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Written by: Unseeking Seeker

Colours of love

Where remains narrow thought, when two hearts entwine,
dissolving completely in each other’s eyes,
cosmic fire birthing rapture as souls align,
with divine magnetism causing bliss to rise,
renewing its pulse as love for love does pine,
presence delighting in each offered surprise?
Seraphic music soft and slow, hearts aglow,
makes eye single, as love continues to grow.

Where remains our will, when we choose to be still,
relying solely on the mind of our heart,
sipping divine nectar of gods to our fill,
breath by breath thus feeling, bliss ignition start,
union of polarities, a sublime thrill,
wherein compassion deems no soul stands apart?
Continual rapture of soundless thunder,
is beheld by presence in childlike wonder.

No thoughts, no desires, love yet inflicts a burn,
transmuting each cell of form as living light
and as nodes within churn, for God’s touch we yearn,
becoming the beacon that banishes night,
paving the way for soul’s heavenward return,
growing in wisdom and garnering clear sight.
Joy, empathy, compassion; colours of love,
magnetically draw in grace from above.