Love Poem: Come Back to Me
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Written by: Chante Walker

Come Back to Me

I have made my decisions in this life I'm living.
Put forth my best to bring you happiness,
but I'm still giving.
I watch my family regather,
Sharing moments of joy and laughter.
I too am pursuing what everyone's after—
a happily ever after—
Just one without you being shattered.

I decided to forgive and forget,
because I'm not ready to lose you yet.
I realize that if I let you win,
we'll commit this painful sin,
and I'll never see your pretty face again.

So I put down my boxing gloves,
Resisting resentment to bring back love.
With gratitude I thank God above
He gave me you—my one and only—my dove.

How many times must I apologize?
I don't know; I don't care.
At the end of the day,
I'm here; you're there.
No, it isn't fair, but
I'll stay right here, not disappear
Since I'd rather be with you than anywhere.
With you—my one and only love.

I pray for the day you'll wake up and see
I'm waiting for you to make your way back to me.

Chanté Walker