Come on OKPE and rise to the mountain top
How long will thy remain in the valley
Thy had been stuck and stagnant for ages
By the trauma's and flaws of our ancestors
Liberate your people from deceit of the past
Conquer our heart with truth for greatness

Come on OKPE and shine forth thy light
Illuminating every dark in the past
Bringing forth insights for creativity
Educate the minds of the youths for growth
To maintain within us peace, love and unity
Keeping us together against external forces.

Come on OKPE and portray thy greener pasture
How fertile is thy soil and people still hungry
How resourceful thy land and still lack finance
How brave and strong thy youths but still jobless
How long would hate lead us due to indifference
How much love we've got to share but seize to.

Come on OKPE and bind all thy people together in unity
North east west and south all in oneness for greatness
Selflessness over selfishness but same goals and spirit
So the next generation would be wiser and stronger
Ready and dedicated to carry out any given task easily
Building a standard and civilize nation with harmony. 

Come on OKPE and portray thyself the pride of thy Nation
Showing the intelligence, knowledge and thy heritage
Soaring higher just like the eagle elevating the people
Restoring their father's land and replenishing thy mother's
Building and protecting thy people just like a griffin
seated in highest place, yeah can be the greatest People
Yeah are the chosen generation, royal priesthood, holy people
God's own special people, let's proclaim the praises of Him 
who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light.