Love Poem: Comfort- -

Comfort- -

Rest my heart Lord;
Sooth my mind God;
Give me your truth, Father;
As I come before the alter;

Give me your grace, please;
May I have your mercies Lord;
I pray this day that you grant me;
A solemn peace, grant me sweet release;

Peace Lord
Peace Lord, Please God  Peace 
Jesus is…this is what I’m longing for
Jesus this…this is what we’re looking for

In the chaos
In the valleys
In the asphalt jungles
In the heat of the night
In my sins
In the rims of unnerving plight

Comfort, comfort my people
Come to us Ah! Jesus;
Come Oh Lord come;
Come, come Oh Lord come;
Comfort, comfort my people says your God

Written word by James Edward Lee Sr. 2019©

-Isaiah 40:1