Compassion - 1
Compassion smiles down
Like stars winking through the cosmos
Lifting spirits and warming hearts
Coloring the soul in a tune of light indigo
Hope whispering across my thoughts
Laughing love through my soul
Compassion lights my heart
Warm and wise, welcoming your thoughts
As they sift through the moments
Gentling my naked emotions
Healing me with a kiss, soft breath
Lingering on my fair skin
Compassion holds my dreams
In the curve of their teasing vibrancy
Echoing a prayer of gentle praise
Soothing my longing for serenity that frees
On the sunshine beams of music
With wings, free as the tendency to believe
Compassion caresses my memory
With moonlight hopes that thrill
Awakening my inner senses, breaking through
Wishes, worries, waste from wild
Faith – faith so alive it heals the hurts
Of a past which reminds you of remorse
Compassion burns like fire
Through the soul who knows
Passion and desire from the depths
Of a joy that brings about true yearning
For kindness that absorbs
Sorrow, angst, discouragement
Compassion thrills the sweet spirit
Of one who believes in the brilliance
Of a sunlight moment expressing itself
With gentleness and carefree
Sentiments that erase all the worst
Shading the thoughts with tenderness
Compassion breaks the promise
Of the one who vows to leave behind
The grief that troubles the mind
And brings mourning to the very soul
With the assurance that there is relief
In the elation that comes alive in tomorrow
Compassion is the breath of love
That breathes hope, faith and inspiration
Through the soul who knows
God is alive and wise and sure
More brilliant than ever before
And He knows… our deepest yearnings
As He pours out blessings across our souls
Malachi 3:10 KJV - Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.