Love Poem: Compassion That Reconnects
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Compassion That Reconnects

the Why 
of my prayers,
deep learning anticipations

Music of Integrity
throughout compassion's timeless
walking wounded prayers

Felt inside Win/Lose violent history
of uncivil suffering
of Either/Or non lullaby

Discord rooted and stuck 
in fundamental lack of soul
for multicultural flowing courage
swelling BothNature/AndSpirited lungs
and throats
and tongues
and bicameral hearts
and bilateral hands
discovering capital heads
in copassionately curious root
compelling well-sung

the What of my prayers,
invoking lyrics

Win/Win bicameral health/
wealth of vocal ecopolitical analysis
advocating Golden Ruled individuals

Witnessing trauma's global light
shedding shadows
whispering ecotherapeutic local power,

Enlightened mystic minds
within empowered bodies,

Balancing egos
within harmonic neuro-ecosystems
spiraling binomial 
double binary dynamics
healthing HeadVoice
co-invested wealthing 

the How of my active prayer
as dancing DNA regenerations
choreographing bilateralized experience
that social-psycho consciousness
is not first a matter of unsung healthy faith
but of primordially felt resonant wealth experience,
through co-empathic copassionate music practice

Singing staffed ribbons
inscribing vibrato octaves sung
well-rung resonance
both multicultural
and nonviolent,

Both nutritional
and win/win cooperative communal
ego/eco-therapeutic corollary chorus

Searching out resilient myths
of beauty's truthful history,
thought as felt
co-empathic mystery

Unfolding Head
and Hand
and Heart

TriPolar bilateral communication
of vastly deep healthy wealth
long-term resilience
speaking up for WholeEarth Open 
Radiant FullSpectral Light
and SoundPower Systems

For achieving the How 
of our cooperative
co-invested operas
and spoken word projects,

Beauty prayers
hummed in mythical well-being 
vibrating therapeutically together

Growing less isolation nightmares
and "Fix Apartheid SundaySin For Us" 
empty prayers
invoking militarized self-righteousness
and other dystopian
Straight White privileged 
LeftBrain Dominant 
universal nation
patristic capital invocations
Either EgoWins/Or Eco-Loses

Closed NeuroSystemic
Devolutionary W/L AnthroGame Theory

Cognitive/Affective dissonance
socio-psychological trauma
chronically stressed
disintegrative miseducating losses
outweighing cisintegral muses 
natural/spiritual extended peer 
muse dynamic systems

Avoiding unhealthy prayers
for unwealthy
unwise vocalizations.