Love Poem: Competing Voices
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Competing Voices

When two or more Yang Dominants
are in the same room,
noticing each other,
it may be time to leave that room.

We have issues curtailing our co-arising competition
to reveal who can win
our CoElational Wealth Game.

All Yang-voices inside
and outside
clamoring EgoSapiens 
hungry for EcoRights
optimizing Elational AnthroLight,
a smile of Namaste recognition,
we know each other from inside 
compassion now,
yet only unusually from outside
pleasure rooted here.

Then we go back to our CoInhaled Win/Lose 
dark and disempowering
and economic game of life,
but this despite I-Thou moments,
unsustained iconic monuments
within cooperative co-arising
sacred grace remembering.

Even so,
more and more of us are slowing our competition
for Ego's well-intended
but perhaps not always full-health and therapy
hunger for love is joy,
mind passion is  body pleasure

slow enough toward MidWay Tipping Point Non(0)
1 Whole Root Systemic embrace
Other's loving eco-lights and brights
and hugs and smiles,
knowing them for our own,
bipartisan together.

Winning together 
Yang/Yin bicamerally balancing
Internal ego recentering
away from a bit too competitively dominant 
External EcoPolitical Wokeness,
Yin's full CoRelational ElationFlow
DoubleBinding Balance
RightBrain conserving feelings
for/within/of/without Yintegrity

Left as Yang verbal dominance,
listening in Yang's languaged yammering AnthroUniverse
to breathe out sacred Yintegrity's
in-out-ductive Prime CoElational Time
in TaoHarmonic two-faced fractal-octave +Yang/(-,-)Yin
WinWin co-reiterative 
dialectical compassioned pleasure paradigms

Crown and Rooted
bicameral Tree of LiveBranches v. eviLRoots
as Win cannot be LoseLose 0sum equity
as +1/(-,-)0 Bicameral 
ConvexYang/ConcaveYinFormating CoElation 
Sacred Unitarian/Secular Earth-Universal 

When YangEgo and YinEco CoElationals share a room, 
ecopolitical outcomes 
are passionately pleasant heaven.