Complex Variations On An Unhealthy Theme
Ecologically resilient health
and WinWin spiritual fueling economic development
and biologically transforming nature,
Combined with reflection
inflection of our personal
and economic
and political health v pathology experiences,
Recouple complex metaphors
of green commonsense
inviting a resilient ZeroZenZone case
for health benefits
of planting and harvesting basic humane-divine communion values.
Health allegories and gospel wealth parables
need not autonomously rely on sacred principles
equating blind faith with good faith.
Reassociating non-sectarian positive faith
with active sectarian research for healthy development
of significant positive and negative correlating trends,
appositions and oppositions,
invite regenerative climate healing
especially for remaining secular dominant skeptics,
anti-sectarian nihilists,
LoseSacred and LoseSecular paranoid sociopathologists,
conspiracy theorists,
God is an AngryWhiteWesternMan wounded children
and our fundamentally mistaken keepers,
zealous nature v spirit terrorists,
anti-theological bullies,
healthy climate haters, deniers, fear-mongerers,
self-righteous war marketers and managers and magnates and magnets
Dismissing lists of positive health values
like smiling
and kindness
as weak love tools
for marginalized tender trans- and pangenders
and cooperatively misguided souls
Longing for ecologically resilient health
and WinWin spiritual-economic development
and transformative belonging nature.