i'm so confused and I keep asking myself, why? But it's a simple answer that i've been trying
to deny. But I can't go on any longer, I can't tell a lie. It's beginning to get to me and hurting
inside. I've fallen in love with you and that I can't hide. This has never happened to me, it
was blind in my eyes. These feelings I have, I can't hold inside. It's driving me crazy, cuz I
know your the guy. It's a good feeling and all and I now know why, but I have to admit it's
making me cry. That might sound mean that might sound wrong, but you already knew I
can't commit to someone. It's a problem I have and haven't worked on, it's a crazy thing that
I wish was gone. I want it to be differant and hopefully it can, cuz now that i'm with you, I
don't want it to end.