Love Poem: Control
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Written by: Shahana Jackson


Control it's so easy to lose your grabbing for my shirt and I want you to 
remove it. But I know that inside I have to stay strong, it's not like me to want 
this it's not like me to fall. But I must admit that I am... it's getting deeper 
every day I crave it and other girls bathed in it but I want to stay nice and pure. 
At least until that time comes when it's right and i'm ready, pressure these days it 
gets so hard and so many girls fall because they are not steady. They fall for the 
lies and the fake love songs and when it comes time you let them sip your wine and 
then their gone. Your tonic it's unique it's suppose to be special if you let 
everyone take a dip they'll contaminate it and make it poison. Control it's a simple 
word but it means so much, when he's kissing you and pulling you, you crave it but 
please stop. I know how hard it is to fight temptation but that's one ride that you 
must not go on. Count in your head, tell me what you know... if you know that he 
loves you ask yourself has he cheated? Ask yourself if he promised to never hurt 
you, can you trust that bag full of lies or is he as dangerous as anthrax in the 
post office. How long have you known him? Is he bringing protection or should you? 
If your so deep in love that your blinded by his phoniness ask your friends if they 
approve. Moments in time your thinking of the line that he used to reel you and then 
if you smile when thinking of him I think your ready but just have control over 
yourself. If you are thinking no not until I want to then push him away, don't let 
him win because when he does he has full control. The promise of your heart your 
giving in return.