Love Poem: Converging Roads
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Written by: Ron VanHooser

Converging Roads

Two friends converge along life's stormy road 
as destiny is whispering in their ears, 
"Don't wander past this gift I have bestowed, 
the love that you've been seeking all these years." 

They halt within their tracks and contemplate 
upon the voice and what they hear it say. 
It softly tells them of that one soul mate 
who'll brighten up their life with each new day. 

They deeply look into each other's eyes 
and wonder if the words they hear ring true. 
This revelation takes them by surprise 
yet in their spirit shines a light brand new. 

Though joined upon this path their lives are split 
so destiny’s plans could be in vain. 
Yet burning strong within is the fire they've lit 
in hope that fate's decision will remain. 

Upon this road they'll travel apart 
until the time they're free to choose once more. 
They'll keep this treasured gift within their heart 
and wait the day true love they can explore.