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Written by: Trudy Schrader


So why didn't you come over last night
I met this girl, you know her, we're going on a date where are you taking her
Blah,blah,blah...I fed you, you lizard
I realize I'm fat, but look in a mirror, you're not all THAT
I'm so new to this, what should I wear
I thought maybe taking her to the mall and just hang out
Well, where will you eat,...that's focus is food
You will never notice me, SEE me, no matter what I do


So, I was thinking, I'm gonna have to save a lot of money
But around Christmas, I would like to take you to a concert
Really, I have never been to a concert, that would be so much fun
I bet "so and so" would love to go too, of course I can pay for her
I'll be back, I have to go to the bathroom break

You don't look well, are you sick
It's just this heat, working outside, having to keep hydrated
I'll be fine...

Written by Trudy Schrader on 06-29-2024

Note: Actual conversation between co-workers...excruciating!!!