Conversation in the corridors
Listen with caution, these corridors have deep explicit voices whispering some mind boggling conversations, erruptive spine chilly giving conversations, lies of good nothings, if these corridors could speak and show screenshots, world war 3 of nothing but hatred and anger, would commence, marriages would end, careers would end, friendships would end
but not all negativity roams these corridors, within these corridors words of encouragement are shared, love is explored, hugs are shared, laughters are shared, even tears are wiped
Within these corridors, today mersmerization hooked me, felt a hole in my brain, my joints stagnant, tongue stuck to my palatals, hypnotized for some seconds if not minutes, felt like a toddler bubbling up, instead of speaking meaningful words, caught in the tongues foreign to that very moment
Voices mirrored in the corridors, whispered stater for conversation, nothing not common to them, a simple good morning, almost crippled my sanity for a moment, even words ran low as meaning making one's got stuck in my mouth
Adding stats to the already burdened corridors, these lingering conversations interjects and keeps giving detours to innocent conversations, hoped to leave a smile to the pool of the corridors conversation, an engrave of nothing but mind easing memory
These corridors keep evoking conversations in me, every time I walk by, maybe these conversation have enough amplitude and becomes contagious, catching everyone who walks by. Blame me not, for being vulnerable, maybe it's a human thing, to create convesations in these corridors
Today, I too laid my brick to the stack, and maybe soil to the grave, hope I build something worthwhile not buried before birth, for the tongue can either abort before birth or erect a tomb for memories to visit not matter how long it's was erected, but mine lasted seconds if not minutes
Conversations in these corridors, got to me today, hope tomorrow they treat me better