Course You Can'T Be Happy
I will not endore your relationship
with the Harlot Hashi, she wishes
to be will some else
and desires not to be with you
her mind is conditioned
to use you, that you have been spoken as ugly
and unhandsome, some would say you should be glad someone remotely cute would smile at you
much less be interested in being with you.
we extract the shame of your foolishness to think
such things so. she might soil the earth, by allowing
someone else to make her pregnant, and than marry you as the joke
were you pay her way thru life as the fool
she made you into being. we've used you as an example to teach our people against the usage of
foolish women, that foolish men make foolish women wise
and there wisedon then allows them to teach the ways of the whore
to people she wishes to be against you.