Love Poem: crime of passion -

crime of passion -

"murder me"

she whispered ...
(lips pressed to my nape, nipping skin)
for her betrayal of husband and family meant as much
we both knew the sacrifices, and accepted the cost that instant
then, and for the scandalous times to come
she was lost to me - straddling, pressing - and I, lost in her
so rooted that I was becoming her, in flesh … in senses
nothing mattered anymore but passion and its pyre
burning all in its wake, all that had mattered ... 'til then
it was a horrid thing for her to say, to place in such dire phrasing
yet it was ALL that I wanted, needed, cared to hear …
"murder me" she whispered again, pressing down ...
"for I am nothing now ...

“but yours."

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Strand Special 3, Any Form, Any Theme" Poetry Contest, Brian Strand, Judge & Sponsor.

~ 2nd Place ~  in the "Writing Challenge 4, May 2019, No Placement" Poetry Contest, Dear Heart, Judge & Sponsor.

* This poem was N/A'd on April 26, 2019 in the "April 2019 Premiere 9, Any Theme, Any Form, Up To A Max Of 14 Lines" Poetry Contest. *