Cuddled against you
Feeling your naked skin
Against mine
I am contented
Like a bird in flight
Or the moon at night
Welcoming your touch
Like I might long for
Truths that reveal
Insights and inspirations
Into the heart of feeling
Sighing in vivid dreams
Warm breath against my ear
Penetrating the chill in the air
That whispers on my breath
With a sense of yearning
For sun’s brilliance
Rich radiance of hopes
Lingering in my spirit
Flickering furiously
Hues of lilac, blushing
Like grace that fills the air
With music that is so rare
Playing a tempo within
Fondling my leg
Lingering there, a hand
That threads its way past
Shyness that beckons
To release it’s murmur
Into my breast, pressing down
Where I once felt afraid
Of the passion
The release of a storm
Thundering in a cloud of mystery
The ebb and flow of hunger
Released within me
Cuddling, caressing, clinging
To the craving, rich in urgency
Awakening my thirst
For a sense of sweetness
That comes from knowing
Love so true, so real, filled with you