Love Poem: Cupid



Oh! Erato, 
Muse of the poetry of love
Inspire me today
I supplicate you for 
I aspire for HIM to write 
HIM: CUPID, the son of Venus
Goddess of beauty, and of Mercury, 
The cunning messenger 
Of Gods

Guide my pen, Oh, Muse,
I implore you, a hymn for 
HIM to write
A worthy hymn 
For this sweet winged-tyrant of 
Mortals’ hearts,
This merciless despot of 

The looks of his mother taken and
The shrewdness of his father
Irresistible forever 
Has remained and
Easily into our souls 
Uninvited infiltrates, paralyzing
Every resistance of

Then unopposed
He marches on:
Conquering every heart,
Subjugating every will,
Dominating every mind and
Becoming the absolute master
Of our being

No armies are able to resist 
His charms   
No troops are willing to make a 
Stand against him
Instead, they are:
Readier to embrace the shadow of death, than
To live under the Sun of the living

Readier to be defeated by Cupid’s sweet arrows, than
To be victorious  

Readier to exist in shameful infamy, than 
To claim fame eternal 

Easy for me is now
To comprehend
Divine, Homer, 
Who describes you, CUPID,  as
 “Invincible in battle.” 

For no mortal, no matter how
Be he a king or a simple soldier,
Is willing to take arms
Against you on the battlefield 
Of love
But he eagerly his soul
Trades for 
Just a probable morsel of 
A dim hope of love eternal 
And thus, 
Without giving a single blow,

©Demetrios Trifiatis
    2 January 2013