Love Poem: Daddy Loved Us
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Written by: CayCay Jennings

Daddy Loved Us

Seeing my Daddy in black and white moves my emotional colors
into a vibrant rainbow that was Daddy made decades ago.
Only twenty-seven in the photo, Dad's patience had yet to grow.
                     Daddy loved us
My brother and I thought him old and always right with Dad powers.
He was actually quite young with wife, career and two small tykes.
Despite my flashbulb-face, I could easily visit the photograph for hours.
I know it is from Fort Lee, Virginia and my tights have likely slid down.
I love seeing Dad's arms around us while we are leaning on his knee.
I love seeing us pressed against his chest and our heads leaning close.
                    Daddy loved us
Looking at the photograph, I can completely sense him, even his skin.

My brother is four and years away from bipolar, he is still a happy boy.
I am newly three and except for tights, nothing has ever bothered me.
Daddy is not yet sixty-seven and gone, called back to live in heaven.
This photo wilts my composure for I wish he had lived to be older
but as an Army officer, a soldier, Agent Orange exposure finally got him.
                    Daddy loved us

... CayCay
September 27, 2019