Daddy Now Please Pray With Me
Daddy now, please pray with me,
for today I'm sailing stormy seas.
I know you say you're but a man,
who tries to live the Master's plan.
I'm weathering gray storms, except a few,
and the turmoil would drown me, if not for you.
The wind is so strong, the waves are so high,
Tattered sails against the sky!
And I recall you telling me,
of Jesus Christ, Who calmed the seas.
And yes, small faith can the mountains move,
and how He died His love to prove.
So Daddy now, please pray with me,
to God's sweet Son, Who dwells in me.
For I am daughter of a man,
and weak at times and cannot stand
against these tides of shifting sands.
You say, "He's still upon His throne",
and with our prayers, I'm not alone!
And God is good and loves me still,
He will offer strength to swim these swells.
Oh Daddy now, please pray with me,
Some choices I made were not of Thee.
At times I've wandered and gone astray,
I feel somehow I've lost my way.
Tell me again my right hand he still holds,
and how in heaven the streets are gold, and
once we're there no one is old because now
Jesus holds my soul!
Daddy now please pray with me like when I
was a child of three beside my bed on bended knees.
And perhaps somehow these words I write, may move
another to change their lives, for Jesus loves me this
I know and his blood has washed me white as snow.
And when you've said "In Jesus Name" I feel brand
new and not the same, so daddy now please pray with me
though I am grown and no longer three.
He'll lift me up on wings of love and forgive me
of all the wrong's I'v done! Then I can drop my anchor
deep and mend white sails on peaceful seas!