Love Poem: Daddy Tears Have Not Ceased
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Written by: CayCay Jennings

Daddy Tears Have Not Ceased

Dedicated to My Daddy, My Father, My Dad
Eighteen years of grieving tears have not ceased my missing of you, Daddy! Daily, I speak prayers aloud, asking that I shall never forget your voice. Most of my Daddy memories, I fold tender inside my joy caddy. Some fears still taunt, haunt me about losing past shared times of clarity, While precious, Dad-vivid recall remains my heart’s held, treasured rarity. It saddens me that our forty-two years were ended by fate's own choice. As this sadness hits now, my tears fresh-fall hopes for remembrance charity For I still develop needs for you, my wondrous and devoted Daddy.
... CayCay Jennings 10-26-16