Daddy's Elite
Sun run red across the sky
As the golden ore fadeth in the twilight
The earth was clothed in a cloak of dye
As bright stars ushered in the limelight
The tress then chants a song and thus pray
They swayed their heads gently and whispered
When the morning chased the night away
Their voices whispered and heralded
“Daddy’s precious Cinderella
More fairer than Gabriella
Bring in His precious Elite
Draped in cloth none compete
The Elite is Daddy’s only delight
She is among many her favorite fruit
Alive with color and full of light
Prepared as a bride in a frock cute
Daddy in the morning issues an invitation
To His Elite and gracious bride
“Yea! Thou art the bridegroom’s adoration
His Glory, complement and pride
So worthy my Son to be thy bridegroom
Make haste my Elite, the groom is come already
Bring in my Elite into the groom’s refined room
Love the groom and be thou steady”.