Dambu Lui Gaf
Go to Dambu Lui Gaf, I told them
Climb some hills and lose some breath
Lie at a shrine on wet grass, I told them
The earth is not fully peopled yet
And so many now are young and dying,
The young dies fast and furiously
And old men with broken hearts are crying,
My Pavel is dead, he died so violently
Old Platanov, go back to Dambu Lui Gaf
When the opiate mist of morning is gone
Let her fall in the grass, let her laugh
Again, like Sandy Booker and his fawn.
There are too many wars and too few lovers
Open the borders of the flaming sword
O climb the hills, and smell the flowers
Young Pavel died, in sad silence we heard
I have counted enough bodies, I told them
O pale specter of birds in a far sunset
Love put four stars in the eyes, I told them
At the top of Dambu Lui Gaf, no regret.