Dammed Up Tears
Dammed Up Tears
This heart's ache
Deep past limit
Drowned in the river
That killed it
Sorrow years
Dammed up tears
A wall built
With mud and brick
Hardened heart
The best to kick
Sorrow years
Dammed up tears
Floods rise
Pressures build
But not these tears
They aint gonna yield
Why'd I let
My guard down
Just one time
This time around
Oh foolish me
What caused me to think
Left in the brink
Played the fool
Loved she is
Her heart taken
For all she gives
Sorrow years
Dammend up tears
The flood did arise
Without break
Just alll internal
Bleeding heartache
Killed by a love
It never knew
And far past rescue
Sorrow years
Dam up them tears