Damn Shame
Shame on you. Shame on me for letting you. Making me love you like this. though I shouldn't complain, love is of the gods, and you are God's gift. I digress, because every gift comes with a curse. I wanna enjoy our time under the sunshine, our nights under the moonlight. While we have happiness before it gets worse. Shame on the one who created thee with beauty and intellect. My first and last thought, I can't recollect another image from my memory. Shame on my eye sight. If I never laid them on you; I'd have nothing to remember you by. And epicly I have failed as I procrastibate believing I hear your voice calling for me in the dark sky. Shame on you! Because everytime I make a mistake I judge myself losing confidence, self respect and pride. Or maybe I need to feel shame? Because its my love for you that allows you to take your high heel shoe and catwalk all over my name. She needs to fill a void, he wants to be heard, he makes amends, to her it's the same song. Now she feels shame because you only get one good man; and that good one is long gone