Damn You Cupid
Damn you cupid, always here first
ruin my reciting of, i like you lines, i forever rehearse
if you wasn't here, i may have my pick of the bunch
instead of the sideline, looking at what i could have won
stupid cupid, its harsh but i wish he was dead
beautiful girl oh no wait shes taken...cupids always one step ahead
ahh cupid why did you give her to him
why am i not worthy of the love that you bring
now a wonderful woman walking has moved just out of sight
i try to catch up as i see one of your arrows fly by
damn too late, who is the guy she has just met
why is she laughing, now no need to ask why I'm upset
who is this guy, why i ain't i him
ahh cupid hes at it again
standing here wishing, first u had met me
instead I'm hurt, watching what should have been, leave
cupid ill get you back, this i am sure you will see
ill wait for your arrow to miss and for it to rain down on me