I witness through the gentleness of your hands,
the tender strength of your arms, in your eyes- love,
I understand the speech your body expresses,
The slight turn of your head, the way the flames in my heart
Are fanned- great waves beginning, and your heart too-
See its beauty, feel its warmth,
And then I can hear it.
My breath is withdrawn but just as sudden-
Everything is made clear- the love I attribute
From you. Never let me go, if I fall I will shrivel- so cold.
A humble request of my love, my tears, expressed through
A trembling kiss.
Lift my face to yours, so I feel your breath,
Feel the beginning of lust,
But it is so much more.
Substantial and pure, enveloped in peace,
A feathered touch upon my skin I cease
To exist.
As I am calm, in the mold of your arms
Held and caressed, I know true bliss,
We may finally begin, each other, we may finally begin,
Life with our hearts,
Entwined as one,
I do not wish to be my own
I want only to be yours.