Dance the Night Away
Dancing the night away
under pail moonlight
My love dances with me
for my love never fails
endless my love is in me
and never shall it fail
Dance the night away
Could this pain that ails
me thou my heart is fray
My blood
My heart
My mind
My body
I give my love all of me
My strength of body and mind
as mighty as a big oak tree
How do I live in the peace of mind
When my perception falls behind
My heart takes lead
And I become the tree
Also vulnerable I have become
How do I escape the sadness
for breakdown
and lapse into madness
The world is cruel to me I think
and despite the fact I don't drink
My insides die and begin to stink
I plot my end
But the voice in side says
you're wrong again
The world doesn't want you
to meet your end
What to do In my time of need
talk to those dearest to me
and then the thought that somewhere
Somebody is waiting just like me
never the less
Those past loves I keep a piece in my heart
demonstraighting that I do love
despite the cold of war
that has crippled my heart
My love are still there
In the depths of my heart
Covering it's walls like beautiful art
And so I wait
For the right mate
My final love that makes me complete
SO that I may dance on happy feet
Hand in hand
with my love
and know that I will always,
Be in love
Dance the night away