Dancing Among the Stars
As night is falling
I Hear... calling
Whispering out my name
As I go out... In the eve
Dressed up in my evening gown
As my Man comes... for me
He is all dressed up in his blues
As we go unto the ball
Gone out on the town after all
Dancing among the Stars
Romance under the moon light
Out dancing on town
Dancing within the night Twilights
Just until midnight
For when the clock strikes
Then I must leave
Quickly… For I must go.. away
That way no-one knows
Whom I am…
Each week end
Dancing tis so much fun
Same ole thing
Hard to believe
Tis really...
just a dream
Or is it?
For Dreams do come True
But.. I shall dance among the Stars
Singing Praises unto my king
My Lord.. my Savior whom died for me
I shall rave.. and Dance for Jesus
I shall raise my hands and swing
I shall twirl about and dance
As my long hair fly’s in air.. within the wind
As I twirl around for Jesus again.. and again
And Dance always for Jesus..
For He the Only One
Then I shall.. dance.. the dance for Jesus
Raising and Praising unto my king
For everything.. His Glory Brings
Praises be to God... Always..
Come dance for Jesus
Dance among the stars
In Our Heavenly home
Knowing now
Tis be shall never be alone…
Praise always be
To our everlasting king
Come to Jesus