Love Poem: Dancing In the Rain -- Als
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Written by: David Meade

Dancing In the Rain -- Als

Sitting in a house . . . a home
Across from a husband and a wife

I look at her
Saddens fills the orbs of her dark eyes
Her breathing short . . . shallow inhalations
Panic and fear waiting to pounce
My heart pleads for her . . . be strong

I look at him
His eyes bright . . . projecting confidence, love
Strapped into his wheelchair 
This once mighty man 
Is trapped in a body that betrayed him

I close my computer
Finished . . . dreams shared
Hope and desires expressed
A way forward captured
Time for me to go . . .

But the questions remain
Life . . .    Death . . .   Why?
Why him?  
His family?

I hear strokes on a keyboard
A mechanical voice vibrates from small speakers
“May I pray?”
This broken man is not done
I close my eyes feeling the moisture leaking out

“Greet each day with a smile”
“Dance in the rain” 
“Embrace love and rejoice”
“Be strong and fear not”
“There is victory over death”
“Life . . . Eternal life!”

This broken man with the unbroken spirit
Is ministering to me, to his family
Dying but still concerned for the living
What an incredible love, a powerful faith
Living and dying well

Listening to his typing, I realize . . . 
I have no power over the eternal questions
Of life . . .  of death . . . 
But God does
This limitation of my humanity is NOT
So I can wallow in despair – NO!
But so I can hope in God!

Thank-you my dear friend
I will never forget you
Your words of hope and love
Your faith
Dancing in the rain.

Note:  My friend died six months after this meeting.

David Meade
Love Generously
June 13, 2015