Dancing Through the Light
The light
Shining inside
Vibrant as the sunshine
Beckoning to souls with sweet grace
Falling across the seas
In gentle songs
Of praise
Breaking through rain
In cloudless moments, joy
Breathes soundlessly through the passions
Of lingering hopes, dreams
Rousing heartbeats
The light
Touches the soul
With butterfly kisses
Whispered on the wonderous heart
Who knows to pray with faith
Heeding His still
Small voice
This love
Brings tenderness
Affection amazing
Freeing us to pray with promise
That we will find the truth
Through prayer and
The light
Dances like fire
Or fireflies twinkling, lit
Across the summer darkness, night
Amid starry moonlight
Enchanting, a
My God
Lights the pathway
To heaven, where we go
When this life is over, finished
We’ve been faithful servants
Who are going
Back home
The light
Reminds me why
I want to know true love
And faith that is alive, fervent
Praising Him with desire
For the time I’m
With Him
Heptastich Poetry Contest
Sponsor: William Kekaula
Syllables for each stanza is 2-4-6-8-4-6-2
May 16, 2021