Dancing With Bones
Once upon a time we were falling in love
Now you look down from up above
Once I was as free as a dove
Now I sit alone in this dark conner
Friends turned to strangers, loner
My heart does not work, and there is no suitable donner
My tears for you have put out my hearts fire
You no longer sit and stoke my hearts pire
You were the conductor of my heart's choir
No more concerts or melodies,
can't harmonize.
My tears are as numerous as the stars
You inquire about my heart, I have locked it behind bars.
All these thought come to mind, New scars.
Deeper, bloodier, cry harder.
The seven seas can not contain tears
nor soothe my fears,
of living a live without your caresses
AND now, I can only think as I watch you sink to the floor:
Four feet, we could of been four
Five feet, only had to wait five weeks more
Six feet, and once more my tears pour