Love Poem: Danger
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Written by: Nicole Ussery


His heart was the purest ice you ever heard of..
Cold,...but so delicate.
The slightest touch sent that breeze through your body..
His eyes were the fire that kept him whole.
Even though you tried so hard to stay away
The only thing that happened was him bringing you closer.
As much as wanted to get over him you couldn't.
AS much as you may want to deny it,
You cant
He will always have a part of your heart.
His touch was the thing that kept you going.
The movement of his lips 
Pressed against mine
Was like heaven.
The angels singing
And him being right by your side.
How this single person 
Can make such a difference
Every time you realize that he is gone 
It makes you want top cry forever .
Sometimes I just don't know what to do
And  evidently I still don't.