Love Poem: Danse Macabre
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Written by: Jack Peachum

Danse Macabre


Bright Love went hand in hand w/ ancient death
to plant his kisses upon death’s grey cheek--
old Death rolled up his eye and caught his breath,
he felt his bony thigh beneath grown weak--

Death went w/ love into a quiet land
wheregrew all things of green and flowers bright
then singing softly to himself, took love’s hand,
now let it go and danced into the light--

And where they passed, the sky grew cold and black
--a wind came up and all the flowers died--
thus, they journied on, and neither one looked back--
but went their way, and as they went death cried:

 “Of all life’s blessings Love alone is breath
and love alone is fit to dance with death!’