Dark of the Day and the Light In the Night
Can you see through the lies?
Maybe you can but still deny
Evil likes to hide in plain sight,
Silently killing us with a treacherous blight,
Invading us like a swarm of flies
They coat themselves with sugar, maybe we should revise
Everywhere are their alibis
Hiding in plain sight,
Hidden are their devilish spies
Oh how they trick us and test our might
Appearing as UFO's in the sky
Trying are they, to cause a fright
And drag us away from the light
Demons are they who hide and fool our eyes
Oh how they persist and continue to fight
Why? Because they know their end is nigh
Can't you see they use our minds against us?
Watch out for these things and don't be quick to trust
What I've learned I will share and must
For I wish not for the world to fade to dust
They spread religion just to watch the word of GOD rust
Christianity is the faith and belief in the word of GOD
Not to be twisted by personal opinions into a flaw
Wide is the dragons maw
Vomiting on GODS pure law
Religion was created so that we may be divided
Ever conflicting so that we may be blinded
Its about our relationship with GOD and our neighbors
Not separating and turning into traitors
Love does no wrong to others
So treat your neighbors as sisters/brothers
Religion says you must earn salvation
But hasn't Christ already saved us from our own devastation?
Christ the great redeemer,
Uplifting the believer