Dark Thoughts
Lavender hues embrace my thoughts
Bathed in silence, dipped in love
Like a persuasive caress, urgent for
The breathless passion that entices
Burning away all the grief and despair
Through a million years, tears so dark
Penetrating, piercing, pricking my heart
With a lost word, a lost hope, a lost dream
Endless lessons built on hopelessness
Colored in waves of melancholic dread
My heart has felt the pangs of regret
And it has also felt the music of acceptance
I’ve known what it means to let go of love
Also what it is to let go of the pain and fear
Someday I’ll know what it is to let go of breath
As long as I live, I’ll find ways to give
From the depths of my soul.. joy, peace and hope
Love that keeps giving from the innermost soul
Where I always know that God will keep me feeling
Alive with precious mercy and grace, tears of faith
It’s only when I’m all alone and I feel His love
That I can find myself letting go of the tears
The ones I’ve held back – sometimes for years
Holding back tears isn’t as easy as one might believe
There is such release in letting go and letting God
Wipe away the tears that fall from my eyes
When I finally let go of the pain pouring down
Cheeks who have been dry with a drought from
Being unable to allow my feelings their expression
Holding back tears is the only way to know
If there could have come a day when I’d pray
For the chance to let go and allow the dam to break
Spreading the feelings in falling teardrops
The ones that remind me that this pain will ease
And love will dance once again… in the melody
Of winds who whisper their joy to my spirit