Love Poem: Darkness Came
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Written by: Ashley Gleason

Darkness Came

Darkness Came 

Darkness came creeping into my head
As I was softly lying in bed 
Eyes were closed, breath sweetly falling 
When I got the strange feeling, my past would come calling

Nervous I was, but unable to awaken,
I felt my small form being forcefully taken
I saw myself floating above a crowded room
A party loudly chattering and then, a deafening

Glass shattered, then terrified screams from around
That's when I saw His lifeless body hitting the ground.
As I watched the corpse fall, it took only a moment
For it to rise & turn towards me, as I lay, frozen

Blood trickled down it's face and dripped onto the floor 
The curly hair, where a bullet-wound gaped, was No more. 
The ghastly fright that was once my Lover 
Now a Horror-film creature that could haunt One Forever.

The phantom turned towards me, but not in sorrow
I felt my fear melt, as the voice was not hollow,
“It's OK,” it said in a comforting tone, “it didn't hurt...” I was now shook to the Bone. 

I could only stare as the ghost seemed to smile 
I awoke in my bed & sat for a while 
I wondered if this vision was truly a dream 
Or a visit or tale from an other-wordly Being.