Darling Can You Hear Me
Darling can you hear me
I'm stood here in the mud,
Wishing I could hold you
Oh that would feel so good.
Darling can you hear me
My rifle's in my hand,
Soon enough we'll be off
Out into no-mans land.
Darling can you hear me
The whistles set to blow,
If I fall remember
How much I love you so.
Darling can you hear me
There's an angel by my side,
She's taking me to heaven
Today my love, I died.
Darling can you hear me
Love does not end with death,
I could feel your loving arms
As I took my final breath.
Darling can you hear me
Weep, yet don't despair,
'Tis only time that parts us
For love is always there.