Love Poem: Daughter of God

Daughter of God

Your warm grace;
Surrounds your face;
Your stand for Christ;

Oh! Daughter of God;
My darling love;
I love you so;

Your eyes smiles;
As my heart cries;
My body lies;

Oh! Daughter of God;
My darling love;
I love you so;

It hungers for the love;
As it reaches up above;
I should just stand still,
and let God do what He does

Your warm grace;
Surrounds your face;
Your stand for Christ;

Oh! Daughter of God;
My darling love;
I love you so;

Oh! Jesus Emmanuel I praise you;
As I offer you up my love;
I am, I shall worship you from now on  and always;

written by James Edward Lee Sr.
from "New Year Same Father Nothing New Under Christ the Son"