I only ask questions
most answers are with
those far wiser than I
far more erudite --
whose examples are all around
poisoning of the atmosphere
greed and famine produced
battlefields populated with
human body parts;
these self evident truths
our bible of survival practices
are the six out of seven
we live daily
less a day of praise and worship --
if not to see a better way
than by all means
toss the dice...
7/11, our craps for another
2000 years of soul wagering
play --
I read so much, from well-intentioned individuals, Christians in particular how we must destroy Satan...crush him, rip out his horns, etc.. Foolish, ill advised folly. Too much Hollywood and Classical Art. An over simplification that keeps humanity captives of Evil. One cannot hurt the Devil, eliminate legions of Satanic forces through like violence. Evil is pain and suffering. Flames do not bother dark forces. Destruction is Their form manifestation. They are disease and suffering; they thrive in the tumors of our bodies and souls. The good news is!~ they have no power other than the power we give them, as individuals and a society. There is only one way of defeating evil, it is splashing evil with Love-light. Transformation is theirs and our only salvation. They use us as we use them. Separation is an illusion of consciousness. Evil, earth, mankind are attached at the spiritual hip of lesser ego creation. Love is the only, ultimate purification. Not easy, I know. If it were, Christ would have already returned, long ago. Just my opinion, no claim to being an expert on anything.