Days End
The sun beats red
Pastel colors fill the sky
Could there be anymore said
Should I bother asking why
Through the darkening woods
The sun sets between the trees
Would this be better is it could
Could this be life misunderstood
To seize the moment
To breathe the air
To see my heaven sent
Beside me, always there
I silence it speaks
In words in reveals
Just wait until the peak
The essence will heal
Beautiful the day ends
Majestic the night begins
Sorrow for the wounds not mended
Yet joy for the end of sin
The deep of thought
Is as dark as night
The words that brought
Peace to troubled minds
Why choose me to share with you,
Your life, your ways, your place of serenity
How am I even remotely good enough
For all you have to offer
Days with you are magic
The nights are surreal
Just being with you alone
Makes everything so real