Love Poem: Days Gone By
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Written by: Ida Igess

Days Gone By

(For Tiffany)

Though someone else helped raised you, and at times you felt  estranged, my motherly
instincts or my love for you never ever changed.
This was at a time when your feeling, your emotions and your mind couldn’t reach out for
your mothers touch to find.
But to you as my little girl, you had a lot of confusion going on,
You were unsettled about family ties, and love combined.
Although you are all grown up now, you can quote me if you must. Mommy always told you
that in your Heavenly Father , you must trust.
In those days you’d hope and dreamt, that you’d be back in my embrace, that day and time
when the whole family would be together again, and all of the emptiness erased.