Love Poem: Days of Wine and Song
Mike Gentile Avatar
Written by: Mike Gentile

Days of Wine and Song

Oh, for days of wine and song
                           when everybody got along
When friend or foe was not defined
                              by politics to be outlined

When simple things like plain old love  
               outweighed the need to rise above
And when the chosen faith or creed
                         did nothing if we disagreed

How sad for friends of long ago
                 to grow apart for different choice
Instead of celebrating time
                      in love of friendship to rejoice  

Oh, for days of wine and song
            Were youth and innocence so wrong
I miss the ones on different course
                I’m left with such a keen remorse

Did I in my conviction lead
               to empty hearts in want and need
I have to think, it’s not too late 
               with wine and song, we can relate