Dead Silence
You live in the same house, yet worlds apart,
conflicting interests rise without warning,
and you clash as if it were the first time.
You never talk anymore, it's as if you ignore one another,
passing the other by without even a second glance,
and you never look back.
Why wont you change this, and make an effort to be closer?
why do you just walk on by, when you see the other in pain?
or stop to say, " I love you! ".
Your skies are two different shades of blue,
your both standing in the rain, it's not who did waht,
but rather, who will admit, " It was I ".
Are you not tired of fighting, tired of clashing?
do you not feel as if your going to break in two?
can you not see that your world is a better place together?
It seems that neither of you try,
you just drive that wedge a little deeper,
don't stand against each other, but for one another.
I never hear you say " I love You " as often as you should,
I watch you spend less and less time together as a family,
don't forsake such a treasure.
Don't make a stand and turn away before due time,
point things out in love, instead of watching them fall apart,
your hearts should quake and tears threaten, don't lose it.
Instead of making the same mistake twice,
make an effort to make none at all,
you shouldn't doubt one anothers love.
Desire that the other knows your love is true,
just like you do, keep them in your heart,
and forget not what you are together.
Why must you break apart, and follow after your own hearts,
when your hearts are decietful above all things,
your hearts can live on forever together as one!
(c) April 9, 2008
Rosemarie Schrock